Sunday, January 30, 2011


Baby's first fever collides with massive work project.

After many hours of holding and soothing, and many more hours of typing and staring at my computer screen, I simply must show you a few little things. If money grew on trees, I'd get these for my poor feverish baby. They wouldn't make him feel better (only infant tylenol does that), but they sure would look cute.

Organic owls by Dwell. I'm such a fan of the one-piece playsuit.

New Zealand lambswool booties by KINA, in Spice - I saw these on a baby in yoga class & loved them. So super soft!

Rainbow Padraig booties. Knitted outside, sheepskin inside. My friend Kristina likes them in the cool, neutral colors.

Soft Star Suede Roos are what I have from when Elan was little. I need to dig them out from some storage box or another. (psst - their big annual sale is coming up soon)

And if I lived somewhere very cold (and money grew on trees), a Soft Star North Star boot might be in order.

Is it just me, or does baby stuff keep getting cuter?

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